"Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone" Oldboy (2003)

Thursday 21 March 2013

How to fix Die Hard

Die Hard used to be great. The first is a classic, the second is decent, the third was great fun and the fourth was surprisingly good, but the latest entry, A Good Day to Die Hard, was rubbish. Why? Because it strayed to far from the set formula that made the first 4 such good fun. So I have come up with some points as to how Die Hard 6 can be saved, because I wan't there to be a sixth film. It would be a shame if such a great franchise ended on such a crappy note. So these points are;

  • Make John McLane a lone wolf: The Die Hard films are not buddy cop films, he doesn't need a partner, unless its Sam Jackson. Obviously
  • Set it in a confined space or in a short period of time.
  • Use practical effects like blood packs and not CGI blood
  • Have realistic action not having McLane fighting a jet.

That is how Die Hard can be fixed.

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